Friday, January 28, 2011

Dragonball Z: Friendship


So I started the last season of DBZ yesterday, and there has been a wonderful example of the relationship between how people are treated and how they treat others. Buu has become a joyful (if demanding) child with the help of Mr. Satan's friendship. As Dende noticed, all Buu needed was a friend. He only goes back to being bad when angered by "The Cruelty of Man" (how's that for a title of a cartoon episode, by the way).

DBZ has shown some very profound if simple things about the concept of friendship. There are things that one does to protect the bond of friendship. Gohan and Piccolo's friendship comes up quite a bit, and it's not often that you see close friendships between people of such drastic age differences. The concept of doing something for somebody because they are a friend is such a beautiful idea and I'm happy to see it in this show.

image credit: Akira Toryama and Funimation

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